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Logistics and Supply Chain Management Programs


Post Graduate Diploma in International Logistics

Certificates :SAP, Cisco, Cambridge, Microsoft, ICMTP
 Course Duration : 1 Year

Course Overview

The Post Graduate Diploma in International Logistics (PGDIL) is a robust equivalent to a postgraduate degree, crafted for individuals seeking advanced education in logistics. Endorsed by the International Consortium for Management and Technology Professionals (ICMTP) UK, this comprehensive program is accessible to graduates from any recognized university. The PGDIL integrates core competencies such as SAP MM for material management and advanced data analysis skills using Microsoft Excel and Power BI. The curriculum ensures a strong foundation in both theoretical and practical aspects of supply chain management. ENBRIDG provides the best logistics course in Kerala with 100% placement opportunities, aligning with industry needs and committing to student success

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Open the door to new opportunities with our world-class Professional Certificates and Specialisations. Choose from over 20 different courses to walk straight towards your goals.

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