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Logistics and Supply Chain Management Programs


Professional Diploma in International Logistics

Certificates :SAP, Cambridge, Active edu, ICMTP
 Course Duration : 1 Year

Course Overview

The logistics industry is expanding rapidly, and earning a one-year Professional Diploma in International Logistics from the International Consortium for Management and Technology Professionals (ICMTP) UK elevates opportunities in global logistics. This diploma, provided by ENBRIDG, includes SAP MM certification, recognized worldwide by employers. ENBRIDG's advanced logistics courses in Kerala offer a deep understanding of SAP's software solutions, streamlining procurement, inventory management, and supply chain processes. Soft skills training from Cambridge University Press prepares candidates for the workplace. ENBRIDG's comprehensive training and guidance ensure candidates are well-prepared to present themselves effectively to potential employers.

Open the door to new opportunities with our world-class Professional Certificates and Specialisations. Choose from
over 20 different courses to walk straight towards your goals.

Open the door to new opportunities with our world-class Professional Certificates and Specialisations. Choose from over 20 different courses to walk straight towards your goals.

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