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Logistics and Supply Chain Management Programs


Diploma In International Logistics

Certificates :ICMTP
 Course Duration : 6 Months

Course Overview

The Diploma in International Logistics, endorsed by the International Consortium for Management and Technology Professionals (ICMTP) UK, is the perfect launchpad for undergraduate students who start their careers in logistics. Enbridg provides the best international logistics diploma in Kerala, which offers career-oriented courses with ICMTP certification from London-UK. It includes the SAP MM module focusing on purchasing and inventory management—the two important aspects of the logistics framework. These skills form the basis of planning, execution, and control of material movements and ensure faster career development in supply chain management and logistics. Industry-based training by Enbridg gives it a superior position for whoever is interested in a career in logistics. Unlock new possibilities with our class of Professional Certificates and Specializations. You may take over 20 courses on International Logistics diplomas in Kerala to confidently step forward towards the goals of your career. It offers you an understanding of logistics from practical life experience and guides you in learning all the needed skills to attain success. Therefore, select an International Logistics diploma in Kerala and get a faster step forward for your career into the logistics and supply chain management industry.

Open the door to new opportunities with our world-class Professional Certificates and Specialisations. Choose from
over 20 different courses to walk straight towards your goals.

Open the door to new opportunities with our world-class Professional Certificates and Specialisations. Choose from over 20 different courses to walk straight towards your goals.

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